Holidays at Central Community House

Dear Family and Friends of Central,
It’s hard to believe we are already two months into the new year. The 2019 Holiday Season was packed with joy, giving, and fellowship, with Central Community House Staff supporting the community in so many ways.
496 adults and 1,358 children were linked to FireFighters 4 Kids to ensure presents were under their tree for Christmas.
An additional 25 families, composed of 27 adults and 93 children, were adopted by Central volunteers who provided gifts to families we serve through our Family Strengthening and Youth Programs.
Over 200 families were provided with holiday meals, including a family feast with all the fixings, ready to go into the oven.
252 adults (including 145 seniors) and 202 children joined us at Central for Holiday Celebrations which included Santa, family photos, music, dancing, activities, and food.
Thank you for your support that made this impact possible!